I am running icAgenda
Part of the message is hidden for the guests. Please log in or register to see it. in two places on my site; essentially I created the menu item and module for my front page and then copied it for a different position on my forums pages
Part of the message is hidden for the guests. Please log in or register to see it.. Everything was working perfectly on Christmas Eve, but today the front calendar is out of sorts, and I have the following error on the bottom of my page:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare activeColor() (previously declared in /home/ftp/site/modules/mod_iccalendar/mod_iccalendar.php:144) in /home/ftp/site/modules/mod_iccalendar/mod_iccalendar.php on line 156
The forums calendar module looks fine. I use the same template for both (Yoothemes Warp6, Yoomaster), exact same parameters set in the modules. Am attaching the file in question so you can see. Also I will leave the module enabled on the front page so you can see the error. I am sure I have done something somewhere but I don't have enough education/experience to know what, and am hoping you can advise!
Warm Regards~