Hi all,
First of all, great component for Events! Looks great and easy to use.
I am using this component to manage internal staff competitions.
I treat every 'event' as a 'Competition'.
I have categories such as:
- Current Compeitions
- Previous Compeitions[/li
- Current Quizes
- Current Quizes
I need seperate menu items for all four above. Additionally, one for "All Compeitiions".
When i created an "All competitions" menu item, it worked fine. showed me all categories and all competitions as expected.
Next, I created a menu item for "Current Compeititons. had settings in there that is supposed to show all current, not previous.
When I tested both menu items after this, both menus go to "All Competitions" and the url ends with "list". why is that?
I cleared the cache, and recreated menu items, this time, Current Competitions and Previous Competitions. but it seems like which ever i click on first, ALL other menu items seem to be remembered that and keeps going to the same one. So if i clicked Current first, Previous one would also to go Current. After clearing cache and recreating menu items, clicking Previous followed by Current, would bring Previous from both links.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the component. That did not work. Clearing the URL cache has not worked.