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[VIEWED] Linking Current and Previous seperately through seperate menu items

  • nidhip
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il y a 9 ans 5 mois - il y a 9 ans 5 mois #10620 par nidhip
Hi all,

First of all, great component for Events! Looks great and easy to use.

I am using this component to manage internal staff competitions.
I treat every 'event' as a 'Competition'.
I have categories such as:
  • Current Compeitions
  • Previous Compeitions[/li
  • Current Quizes
  • Current Quizes
  • ]
I need seperate menu items for all four above. Additionally, one for "All Compeitiions".
When i created an "All competitions" menu item, it worked fine. showed me all categories and all competitions as expected.
Next, I created a menu item for "Current Compeititons. had settings in there that is supposed to show all current, not previous.

When I tested both menu items after this, both menus go to "All Competitions" and the url ends with "list". why is that?
I cleared the cache, and recreated menu items, this time, Current Competitions and Previous Competitions. but it seems like which ever i click on first, ALL other menu items seem to be remembered that and keeps going to the same one. So if i clicked Current first, Previous one would also to go Current. After clearing cache and recreating menu items, clicking Previous followed by Current, would bring Previous from both links.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the component. That did not work. Clearing the URL cache has not worked.

Dernière édition: il y a 9 ans 5 mois par Lyr!C. Raison: [VIEWED]

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il y a 9 ans 5 mois #10636 par Lyr!C

Is it possible to have an online link, as i'm not sure to understand where the issue is, and why you want to achieve...

And if separate menu, not possible to link to another one, but maybe you mean link from the module calendar ?

Best Regards,

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il y a 9 ans 5 mois #10652 par nidhip
Hi there,

Thank you for the email. I have fixed the issue by deactivating the SEF for icAgenda, I had no other way out.

What I wanted was... Menu items in Joomla for iCagenda offers to display either: Past events, Current events and so on. I wanted each menu item for separate pages which displays past events in one, current in another one.

But its OK as I have fixed it now. Thanks for getting back to me anyway.


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il y a 9 ans 5 mois #10658 par Lyr!C
I don't know why you have an issue with SEF, as if you have different menu, alias are different, and url can't be the same...

Don't hesitate to share a link if you want me to have a look! ;-)


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il y a 9 ans 5 mois #10662 par nidhip
Hi there,

What used to happen was, the link used to end with something like "...list,html" whether its for Previous menu item, Current menu item or which ever menu item. and I spoke to my manager and that is what he advised me.

Unfortunately, its an Intranet I am working on, so cannot provide you with a link as its internal, really sorry! :unsure:

But many thanks for getting back to me :)

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il y a 9 ans 5 mois - il y a 9 ans 5 mois #10667 par Lyr!C
Ok, so maybe the issue with SEF, is only because you are on intranet (as needs the htaccess to work correctly, and not always the case if not online server...)
A full SEF has not html at end... But now, i understand what you meant, and yes, unfortunately, i don't have concret answer, excepting using non-sef url... (maybe it will be possible to improve this when the new router system will be introduce in joomla 3, as iCagenda is using Joomla core routing system)

Best Regards,

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
We recommend every user to keep iCagenda updated.
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Dernière édition: il y a 9 ans 5 mois par Lyr!C.

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