I use Swedish translation and iCagenda 3.3.8 with j3.4.4. (I have a PRO version, but when I try to upgrade it says that the package lacks an xml-file and is botched. I'll deal with that later...)
Anyway - in my swedish page I have the very annoying header for "Upcoming Event" and it's text "There is 1 upcoming event" in English. I tried making an override, but joomla wouldn't find the string. I then tried the "plastic padding trick" to simply add the strings from the English version and add them to the swedish lang file and translate. But that didn't work either.
Then I went to the Translations pack and downloaded the latest Swedish version (which isn't complete, but the concerned strings were translated a long time ago. Still, I guess I'll have to kick somebody responsible in the translation team... oh... that would be... me
). Even though I now know that the correct strings, correctly translated is in the correct place - I still have English text in the middle of a Swedish homepage.
Is this something that anybody else recognize?