Hi, and thanks!
I've just have removed yesterday, written documentation.
I was using for this an extensions, but too buggy, and so, i will redo it in a more stable way.
Currently, i'm working on cleaning joomlic websites. The pro website will soon be in Joomla 3, and i will add during summer many changes and enhancements for joomlic.com
I will begin soon a new written documentation, and will add new articles to help users time after time.
So, today, the main documentation is me (and Giusebos!) lol
But, will be better in the future (and it's work! hug!)
About creating events, today, it's not possible to add multiple period for one event.
If you mean adding multiple start and end dates, you will have to create (or use save as copy button) to create a new one.
I'm planning to add an option for period dates as it is for single dates today, but not in a near future.
I have many developpements to do before.
If you have a pro account, you can contact me too by email (use the email address you have entered when purchase on share-it, in order you email not be discarded)
I can help to give you tips, or more informations