Hi to all
It would be very nice, if somebody could help me with the icalendar.I have a strange problem and did not find a solution. I am runnning this fantastic product(icagenda 3.2.9) on joomla 3.20 Everything works fine, except one thing:
If I have added a new Event, it appears in the calendar AND below the Calendar under Upcoming Events(Anstehende Events). So far so good. If I am clicking on the small Icon, it is not jumping to the Event himself. (Picture1)
If I am clicking on on the Grey Button in the Calendar(20 February 2014) every information, description and google appears.
In the Backend I had a error message at the Events, I think this is the Problem, but not sure:(Picture 2)
The message: Die PHP-Funktion 'allow_url_fopen' ist deaktiviert (means it is deactivated)
What I did until this Forum Topic:
Tried to activate the URL rewrite mod
Changed the htaccess to .htacces
Added a php.ini.php file with the command, that it should allow URL fopen..Nothing worked
So I changed the htacces back again and deleted the php.ini file.
I have have the permission from my Hoster to change this things.
What I am doing wrong? Added a Link to my site.
Thanks in advance
Kind Regards Robert Herrmann