All your wishes are in the roadmap, but because of many features planned, and the time it needs for developping each one, i can't give exact date of delivery for all!
But i'm doing my best to develope iCagenda to give users the best possible!
Today, not possible to hide some categories in submission form, but i've planned to developpe an option for this.
About calendar back/next year, and size, yes it's possible.
You can create your own theme pack, but the most easy is just to add some extra lines of css to your site template main css file, to override iCagenda styles (this can be done directly in joomla)
For example :
.icnav div.backicY {display: none !important;}
.icnav div.nexticY {display: none !important;}
.icnav div.backic {font-size: 16px;}
.icnav div.nextic {font-size: 16px;}
About frontend event edit, not planned before a few month, as many other features to enhance before (registration system and repeated dates) so it is planned for second half of 2014.