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[ROADMAP] iCagenda - Adding a Venue vs Selecting a Venue

  • santanudas
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9 Anni 3 Mesi fa - 9 Anni 2 Mesi fa #11072 da santanudas
Many events take place in a particular auditorium or venue. So each time we create an event, we have to type the details (name, address etc.) about the venue. Would this be possible to provide a selection of the venue from a list box, and if venue does not exists, user may add a new venue.
Ultima Modifica 9 Anni 2 Mesi fa da Lyr!C. Motivo: [ROADMAP]

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  • Lyr!C
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9 Anni 2 Mesi fa #11110 da Lyr!C

Something in the roadmap for 2016 ;-)

Today, if the same venue, you can use the save as a copy button, when in admin edition page, to get a full duplicate copy of the event, and then edit just the title, description, dates.... so only what is changed.
Of course, it's not the easiest solution, but this one could help until i will work on a new system for venues management (i have already this in mind, and know how i will develop it ;-) )

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8 Anni 11 Mesi fa #11669 da helcat
Just started using iCagenda, but I definitely echo this request. A default at least would be nice, but maintaining a list or using Google locations would be even better.
Ringraziano per il messaggio: Lyr!C

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