It not seems to be a jQuery library, but this could be a bug to to the new version of jQuery included in Joomla 3.2 which is 1.10.2
iCagenda is working with this new library, as using Joomla library since the beginning on a J3 website.
But the problem can come from an other extension having bugs with library 1.10.2
It would be good to test one after one each extension (modules, plugin, template) which can give this bug.
This is the only way to see which is making trouble, and so, to see if it is a 3.2 compatible extension (many extensions are not yet compatible with 3.2. iCagenda is since many versions, only htlm code is due to lastest 3.2 stable, and fixed in iCagenda 3.2.5)
Keep me informed when you will find the extension not 3.2 compatible