iCagenda - English
[ROADMAP] How to display a recurring event in the playbill of the events?
[ROADMAP] How to display a recurring event in the playbill of the events?
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il y a 11 ans 1 mois - il y a 11 ans 1 mois #5609
par diapan
How to display a recurring event in the playbill of the events?
In the list shows only one nearest event, although in the properties of the event there are a few dates. How to make the list showed all these dates?
Dernière édition: il y a 11 ans 1 mois par Lyr!C. Raison: [ROADMAP]
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il y a 11 ans 1 mois #5632
par Lyr!C
This is not a function currently available in iCagenda.
You can today display a list of events (with the next date) but not a list of all dates.
But, for your information, this new feature is in the roadmap, and currently in developpement! Hope to deliver this one before end of the year!
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iCagenda - English
[ROADMAP] How to display a recurring event in the playbill of the events?
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