Firstly, thank you for an excellent component. Out of all the event management components on the JED, this was the one that did nearly everything I needed pretty much out of the box without all the bloat!
I have one request I am hoping I could get some help with.
I'd like to have 2 description boxes on the backend (and 2 description sections on the frontend event page as a result).
The events I create need more than one description section on the frontend event page. One box will be the event description, the other will be line up info and such.
I appreciate I could simply use html/basic styling in the single event description box you supply and make it "look" like it's multiple sections, but this is a messy solution to this problem and as there will be multiple people using this it'd confuse the hell out of people without any design knowledge
If you could let know how I could do this, I'd be very grateful. I do intend to purchase the pro version if I can make this work.