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php version
php version
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il y a 11 ans 1 semaine #6058
par BobR
When I log in to the admin for my site, I get a warning that my php version is 5.2 and I should upgrade to 5.3. I have upgraded to 5.3 already, but I sstill get the warning. Also, on my ICAgenda module which is published on my home page,
www.michianaoutdoorsnews.com, there are some warnings that show up above the calendar. I'm not sure if these problems are related or not. The warnings started showing up when I installed the latest ICAgenda update. Are these two errors related or are they caused by separate issues? Please go to my site and you will see the warnings.
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il y a 11 ans 1 semaine #6064
par Lyr!C
First, could you upgrade to 3.2.12 (i've just released this version, with important bugs fixed)
Then, about php version, what is the php version indicated in your joomla admin (system infos) ?
About notice message, it's recommended by Joomla to turn off error reporting on a production site.
But i don't see any on your frontend ?
Keep in touch!
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iCagenda - English
php version
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