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Google maps problem
Google maps problem
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il y a 10 ans 11 mois #6351
par SteveM
I can set up Google Maps for events successfully, but when the map is displayed in the front end, it is always zoomed to the maximum extent, and the Google controls are very small and impossible to use - see attached screen clip.
In the back end, the map and controls are displayed normally - how can I ensure that they are displayed this way in the front end too?
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il y a 10 ans 11 mois - il y a 10 ans 11 mois #6371
par SLV
I suggest to add such style to the file xx_component.css of the appropriate theme. As is done in the css file (icmap.css) in admin of icagenda component.
/** Fixed Known conflict Bootsrap / Google Maps */
#icagenda_map img {max-width: none;}
It's helped me.
Dernière édition: il y a 10 ans 11 mois par SLV.
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iCagenda - English
Google maps problem
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