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Chrome issues with latest release
Chrome issues with latest release
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il y a 10 ans 11 mois #6489
par tazman
Hi There,
I have just upgraded to the latest release of !Cagenda (3.2.13), and now my calendar in google chrome does not update properly.
I have created an event on my events section but when I go to my home page (
www.lcc2011.org) the event does not display. And when I look at the events page it shows the year as 1999, even though I verified that the date of the event is 2014.
Thank you for your help in advance.
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il y a 10 ans 10 mois #6513
par Lyr!C
17 january is not on saturday, but on friday... so this is a reason of the error : no existed saturday on the period.
So it's normal to have not it displayed in frontend, but i will think to add an alert message in the future for this possible case.
Thank you!
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iCagenda - English
Chrome issues with latest release
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