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Calendar shows up twice on next/ previous Button

  • ButterFliege
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il y a 10 ans 11 mois #6498 par ButterFliege
Calendar shows up twice on next/ previous Button a été créé par ButterFliege

I need your help, because I'm stuck with a problem according to the calendar module.
Everytime I click on the Next/ or Previous Month Button, the calendar shows up twice, one above the other one. I crawled through this Forum already and tried changing the chaching and installed ad activated the Jquery Easy Plugin. But sadly it doesn't help and I can't figure out why it behaves that way...
Would be glad if anyone could help me!
The page is:

Thanks a lot!!

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il y a 10 ans 10 mois #6508 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet Calendar shows up twice on next/ previous Button

As the site is not online today (and before, i was on holiday B) ) i can't check it online.

But, this issue is known, and appeared only if the calendar module is included inside html content.
If you have try to include the module inside an article, the problem is "normal". You have to published it in a module position.

Best Regards,

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  • ButterFliege
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il y a 10 ans 10 mois - il y a 10 ans 10 mois #6582 par ButterFliege
Réponse de ButterFliege sur le sujet Calendar shows up twice on next/ previous Button
Hello Lyr!C,

Thanks for your advice, but I didnt try to put it inside an article. I just activated the module in a module position...

I put it back online again, forgot it sry!

I'm still having the Problem though, is there another idea what I could do?

Edit: I already wrote an email, but I didn't get a Ticket ID or something similar.. Asked in another post for some help with the ticket support system already.. can anybody hear me? ^^
Dernière édition: il y a 10 ans 10 mois par ButterFliege.

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  • Lyr!C
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il y a 10 ans 10 mois #6593 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet Calendar shows up twice on next/ previous Button

ButterFliege écrit: Hello Lyr!C,

Thanks for your advice, but I didnt try to put it inside an article. I just activated the module in a module position...

I put it back online again, forgot it sry!

I'm still having the Problem though, is there another idea what I could do?

Edit: I already wrote an email, but I didn't get a Ticket ID or something similar.. Asked in another post for some help with the ticket support system already.. can anybody hear me? ^^


Are you Miriam ?
If yes, i have answered your email yesterday (and you have send it yesterday) as your a pro user, priority! ;-)
About Pro ticket system, i meant using it is better to grant a good support than email, because i can chekc it, have an history of all message on one page, have a better display when adding code...

To give the reason for all users, the problem is coming from the site template joomspirit_76
The problem with this template, is that it is using responsive design in a strange way, loading all modules 2 times (or for desktop and one for mobile)
It's not really a good way to do it in a template.
It is working with static module, but not working with dynamic modules using ajax to change content (as a calendar does).

Today, not yet having a solution to forbid this inside iCagenda code, but it is possible by editing the template css and code...

As your a pro user, i will give you advanced support, and contact again by email, to ask you info, and send you a temporary solution (an edit in your site template) ;-)

Thank you!

Note for user of iCagenda free, you can find other topics about joomspirit_76 on this forum, and find reason why it is not working properly with iCagenda.
Today, as already said, i don't have a solution to prevent this, but the problem is a site template issue, not iCagenda. (but i always try to find a way to prevent problem of wrong coding or not compatible structure of site templates, to able liberty of choice for users ;-) )


Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
We recommend every user to keep iCagenda updated.
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Do you like iCagenda?
I would appreciate if you could take 5 minutes to post a review on JED (Joomla Extensions Directory) .

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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
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