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Second question: is it possible to have past Events cancelled automaticaly from the Eventslist? When we go to the "Agenda" we get a list of all future and past events and this gives a directory of about 80 pages which is not fun to work with!
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FranklinVdp écrit: Hi,
Thanks for the reply. I don't think the problem has anything to do with the module "Who's Online" as all other modules (VTEM Caroussel, Facebook,...) are also affected by the same problem. As soon as I click on an item in the iCagenda module or on the menu item "Agenda" this problem occurs.
I also have exactly the same problem with an other module/menu item "Gastenboek" (Vitabook).
I don't know too much about Joomla but to my limited knowledge I think this problem has to be linked to the concerned module(s) or to the used template (layout conflict).
I think I'll send an e-mail also to the supplier of my template (Bonusthemes), to hear what they have to tell about this problem.
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FranklinVdp écrit: Eureka: the problem is solved
It seems that it was a Jquery problem. Once I installed Jquery Easy and adapted some setting (Jquery + Jquery ui). The problem was solved!
iCagenda is working great now!
Thanks for the support
Oh yeah: my template is a bought template (Soccerlift of Bonusthemes)
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