First of all, great work Lyr!C
Now my question: We want to give access to our eventcalender to several users (responsibles of organisations) so that they can enter events and so on on our Homepage.
The problem is now that the general settings for privileges in your component do not restict the access enough. As an example: If a user create a category or an event, it is automatically released even if the setting there is that the user cannot change the status. For us it is important that we can check the entry before making it public.
Additionally the privileges setting "edit own content" is not available in your component, so I can either say he just can create one, but once he created it he cannot edit it anymore, or I can say a user can edit every event. So this setting is very important for our use to provide the user with the function that he can create an event and also change it afterwards (but just his events).
Hope you have understood my case
Is there something avaiable, or could you make that available?