iCagenda - English
Problems with multilanguage site
Problems with multilanguage site
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il y a 10 ans 9 mois #6853
par FranklinVdp
I'm confronted with the follwing problem: I have a site in Dutch and French.
I installed iCagenda and the module works fine, except for 1 point: the Dutch language.
Although the Dutch language package is installed (I even installed the update some minutes ago), descriptions on the Dutch part of the site stay in English.
On the French part of the site everything is correct translated and I even have an other layout of the events then on the Dutch site.
Anyone any idea what is going on?
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il y a 10 ans 9 mois #6876
par Lyr!C
Is it possible to have more information :
- online link
- multi-language setting (and core joomla or third party extension)
- if Dutch language is display in admin, or not, or only frontend, and if frontend : list of events, event details view, module ?...)
Thank you!
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iCagenda - English
Problems with multilanguage site
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