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3 MAJOR issues with iCagenda

  • digitalrain
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il y a 10 ans 8 mois #7395 par digitalrain
3 MAJOR issues with iCagenda a été créé par digitalrain
First let me say that for the most part I love this component. It is easy to use - both from an admin and a user standpoint. I have run into 3 issues though that I hope you can help me resolve:

1. no ability to set up recurring events. My client has a yoga glass that takes place at 9am every Monday - Friday. How do I set that up as a recurring event?

2. no ability to set up a menu link to large calendar view. I was able to get around this by setting up the calendar module for the desired category, inserting it into a page via loadposition and tweaking the CSS so that the calendar would be full width, but it should not be so convoluted just to display a full size calendar page.

3. the calendar does not switch months. I have 'load jquery' disabled so that there is no conflict (as I already have a call in the header of my template that loads the latest version of jquery). I tried removing all custom jquery and javascript from my header to see if that was causing a conflict. It did not fix the problem.

The calendar is on an interior page where there are no other extensions being loaded. Just a custom HTML module that contains some links.

Here is the URL:

Please help!


C. Turcotte

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  • GaryCantley
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il y a 10 ans 8 mois #7408 par GaryCantley
Réponse de GaryCantley sur le sujet 3 MAJOR issues with iCagenda
As a new user of ICagenda - only installed it yesterday! I think I can answer number 1.

Go to events, enter the event and the start/end date. Select the days it takes place and it'll do the job for you.

Hopefully you'll be able to assist when I now post my problem.
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Lyr!C

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  • Lyr!C
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il y a 10 ans 8 mois #7415 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet 3 MAJOR issues with iCagenda

digitalrain écrit: First let me say that for the most part I love this component. It is easy to use - both from an admin and a user standpoint. I have run into 3 issues though that I hope you can help me resolve:

1. no ability to set up recurring events. My client has a yoga glass that takes place at 9am every Monday - Friday. How do I set that up as a recurring event?


Yes, as GaryCantley posted, you can today used weekdays for event other a period, set startdate at 9:00 and endate for example in 2 or 3 years. and select the weekdays for this event.

For information, many major developpement are in process, and some very difficult to perform to be able to keep a new system more advanced compatible with events created before.
So, the good news is that many great things are being developped! For some, it just a question of time, but the job is in a good way! ;-)

digitalrain écrit: 2. no ability to set up a menu link to large calendar view. I was able to get around this by setting up the calendar module for the desired category, inserting it into a page via loadposition and tweaking the CSS so that the calendar would be full width, but it should not be so convoluted just to display a full size calendar page.

The calendar is a module.
This will always needs to use load position as it is the way Joomla behaves.
It's is not the goal to create a planning calendar composent (other extension already does it nicely!) but a list of events management extension.
Do you have check calendar extension on the JED (and not events management).
As in fact, it is not exactly the same purpose. ;-)

digitalrain écrit: 3. the calendar does not switch months. I have 'load jquery' disabled so that there is no conflict (as I already have a call in the header of my template that loads the latest version of jquery). I tried removing all custom jquery and javascript from my header to see if that was causing a conflict. It did not fix the problem.

The calendar is on an interior page where there are no other extensions being loaded. Just a custom HTML module that contains some links.

Here is the URL:

Please help!


C. Turcotte

You have a jQuery conflict :
Joomla is loading jQuery, and your template is loading another version, which one is not the latest one!
You are on Joomla 3, so never an extension or template should load its own jQuery! (That's why Joomla 3 is great! It does a lot of work!)

The problem is your site template.
Removed the loading of jQuery from your site template.
But maybe contact the developer of this template, and ask him to upgrade is code to the way Joomla 3 is working! ;-)


Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
We recommend every user to keep iCagenda updated.
Don't forget to have your Joomla!™ up-to-date!

Do you like iCagenda?
I would appreciate if you could take 5 minutes to post a review on JED (Joomla Extensions Directory) .

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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
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