iCagenda - English
[IN DEV.] Can the Google Map be zoomed out by default
[IN DEV.] Can the Google Map be zoomed out by default
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il y a 10 ans 7 mois - il y a 10 ans 7 mois #7578
par Robbie8
The Google Map is zoomed in very far by default when I use the option on the event.
Is there a way to fix the default map to be zoomed out, so it shows the location in a map view which is more expansive.
Dernière édition: il y a 10 ans 7 mois par Lyr!C. Raison: [IN DEV.]
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il y a 10 ans 7 mois #7592
par Lyr!C
Robbie8 écrit: Hi,
The Google Map is zoomed in very far by default when I use the option on the event.
Is there a way to fix the default map to be zoomed out, so it shows the location in a map view which is more expansive.
An option for default zoom setting is currently in my dev version todo list (with many other new options!).
This 3.4.0 will be released for all in July, and release as beta version in June for user of the pro versions
Today, if you want to set another value for default zoom in frontend event details view, you can edit the file ROOT/components/com_icagenda/js/icmap.js and change the number next to "zoom : "
Hope this help!
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iCagenda - English
[IN DEV.] Can the Google Map be zoomed out by default
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