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[VIEWED] CSS changes in recent releases

  • PeteSCCS
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il y a 10 ans 6 mois - il y a 10 ans 6 mois #7632 par PeteSCCS
[VIEWED] CSS changes in recent releases a été créé par PeteSCCS
Hi Cyril,

I wonder if it's safe to keep working with my own theme pack (which I've created by duplicating ic_rounded based on your instructions).

One of the recent updates changes so much of the CSS that I've had to go back to ic_rounded and start again, e.g.
#icagenda .regisBox
is now

Perhaps, instead of duplicating an existing theme, it is a better approach to use a blank CSS sheet, import ic_rounded
@import url('../../ic_rounded/css/ic_rounded_component.css');
and override styles as is required.

What do you think... would this second approach be more robust if future changes to classes are made?

Dernière édition: il y a 10 ans 6 mois par Lyr!C. Raison: [VIEWED]

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il y a 10 ans 6 mois #7644 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet CSS changes in recent releases

What do you think... would this second approach be more robust if future changes to classes are made?

Yes, you're right, it is today difficult to always maintain a custom theme pack for a good reason : i'm improving it!

But, i try to give important infos here (and will update it as soon as possible) :

About the new class naming, with the .ic- prefix, they won't changed as a name, but could of could change due to code enhancement.

The most advanced theme is today "default", and i have still a work to do with ic_rounded. In fact, this was due to none standard coding before, and now i have much more skill and knowledge, i'm little by little improving the code to give the best one as possible!

So, if you don't have to change the structure, use an override of css class in your main site template css file.

Having a custom theme pack is only needed when you want to change the html structure ;-)

Hope this help!

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