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[VIEWED] Delete Single Events

  • LuZa
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il y a 10 ans 6 mois - il y a 10 ans 6 mois #7680 par LuZa
[VIEWED] Delete Single Events a été créé par LuZa

i have set up an event every wednesday and it could happen that one event will be cancel or moved on another day.
Can I delete/move this single event? Is there any possibility?
Dernière édition: il y a 10 ans 6 mois par Lyr!C. Raison: [VIEWED]

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il y a 10 ans 6 mois #7697 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet Delete Single Events

LuZa écrit: Hello,

i have set up an event every wednesday and it could happen that one event will be cancel or moved on another day.
Can I delete/move this single event? Is there any possibility?


Not possible when using period dates, as it is using a php function to generate all date between start and end date, and then save this as a serialized string into database.

Some other possibilities in date control, and management, are currently in process, but it could take time before a new system allowing more flexibility, could be enough mature to be integrated. (as due to a complexity of changes, would have to be very careful during an upgrade of database).

Best Regards,

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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
Temps de génération de la page : 0.175 secondes


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