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First, images can be uploaded without limitation KB.
It is Gantry!Had I not seen. I also use a RT template with the Gantry Framework. I do not think that is it the template. If yes gladly pushed onto the templates. It may equally well be due to a third-party plugin or even on the programming of the developer. I'm curious what he tells us.
Basically, I could also do without the reservation / registration. But I think it should work.
<field name="statutReg" class="btn-group ic-btn-group"
type="radio" default="0" label="COM_ICAGENDA_REGISTRATION_LABEL" description="COM_ICAGENDA_REGISTRATION_DESC" labelclass="control-label">
<option value="0">JOFF</option>
<option value="1">JON</option>
<field name="statutReg" class="btn-group ic-btn-group"
type="radio" default="0" label="COM_ICAGENDA_REGISTRATION_LABEL" description="COM_ICAGENDA_REGISTRATION_DESC" labelclass="control-label">
<option value="0" class="btn">JOFF</option>
<option value="1" class="btn">JON</option>
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Thank you for your feedback!fwmedienservice écrit: Hi there,
thanks for the quick reply.
I have installed and tested the fixed version. It works and the error with the registration / reservation is gone now.
Thank you.
The function is now developped, and currently being tested by Pro users volunteers during my holiday.fwmedienservice écrit: Then I'm looking forward to the new features and the possibility to upload my image limit. People just download 3MB large photos on my server.
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