iCagenda - English
iCagenda - can't save event
iCagenda - can't save event
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il y a 10 ans 5 mois - il y a 10 ans 5 mois #7804
par oxbmarketing
I just went online with my site and now I can't add an iCagenda event..
Joomla v 2.5.20
iCagenda v 3.3.8 Free
I go to iCagenda, clik on: Add new event, then I can input name of the event and configure all options, BUT:
- I can't write anything in the Description field - why??
- I can't do any action: save, close etc in the Joomla backend. It just doesn't respond. I might click at it, but nothing happens.
Please help! It's a really important part of my website..I have no idea where I should look for a solution.
I tried it on Chrome and Firefox - and it doesn't work on both.
Dernière édition: il y a 10 ans 5 mois par oxbmarketing.
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il y a 10 ans 3 mois #7967
par Lyr!C
Don't know if you have solved your issue (which seems to be related to a conflict somewhere).
If not, is it possible to have an online link, to view it ?
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iCagenda - English
iCagenda - can't save event
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