iCagenda - English
Cannot xhange Ascending to Decending
Cannot xhange Ascending to Decending
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il y a 10 ans 5 mois - il y a 10 ans 3 mois #7840
par Internaut
I need to have the events list displayed by newest to oldest. As it is, it's oldest to newest.
Don't hesitate to point to a css, or php file. I can follow instructions
I have checked it off and on in the dashboard, cleared cache, and still it will only display old to new. In some cases, new will be 5 pages back!
Dernière édition: il y a 10 ans 3 mois par Lyr!C.
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il y a 10 ans 4 mois #7848
par rs3511
There are several places that the event order can be selected. The component options are for default/global settings. Then, if you have a menu item that is referencing the component, that menu item has a setting for ordering the events. Also, you can not display events in the past and still choose ascending or descending. That should prevent your event from being 5 pages back.
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il y a 10 ans 4 mois #7857
par Internaut
Thanks for the quick response.
I apologize, but I cannot find anything on listing by events newest to oldest or the reverse other than the iCagenda > Event Details > Order by Dates > Date Ascending / Descending.
I've gone through all the settings, and menus and can't find anything else that would change from ascending, to descending.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
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il y a 10 ans 3 mois #7982
par Lyr!C
Internaut écrit: Thanks for the quick response.
I apologize, but I cannot find anything on listing by events newest to oldest or the reverse other than the iCagenda > Event Details > Order by Dates > Date Ascending / Descending.
I've gone through all the settings, and menus and can't find anything else that would change from ascending, to descending.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Don't look inside iCagenda component, but in the options tab of the menu linked to your list of events.
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iCagenda - English
Cannot xhange Ascending to Decending
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