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[VIEWED] Looking forward to using your calendar

  • Linus
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il y a 12 ans 3 mois - il y a 12 ans 3 mois #875 par Linus
I basically just wanted to let you know, that I can't wait to use your calendar on our sports-club page.
It seems to concentrate on quite a few points I would deem essential, but so far no othe rcomponent has really covered all of those in a way that would allow a versatile usage.

I hope I find the time to help testing the component in the coming semester.

The only thing I can do right now is a rather selfish one -> telling you what our club needs :-)

We have a page based on jomsocial, k2 and kunena to organise teams, weekly trainings and tournaments.

So what we'd need is:
- A simple one-click registration process for events (yes, I'm coming)
-- a "I'm bringing a friend" +1 option
-- a "upcoming events" module that shows the number of participants
- repeating events
- event comments (those should not show in all the repeating events)

Of what I've tried so far yours is the best-looking outofthebox calendar! So thank you for all the time you're putting into this. I hope I can be of help at some point!!

Dernière édition: il y a 12 ans 3 mois par Lyr!C. Raison: [VIEWED]

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  • Lyr!C
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il y a 12 ans 3 mois #876 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet Looking forward to using your calendar

Linus écrit: So what we'd need is:
1- A simple one-click registration process for events (yes, I'm coming)
2- a "I'm bringing a friend" +1 option
3- a "upcoming events" module that shows the number of participants
4- repeating events
5- event comments (those should not show in all the repeating events)

Thanks for you message ! ;)

A quick answer:

1: it's in developpement (registration for user registered, and visitors) and... that works in my test, but need to be improved.

2: The option is done (registered people can add the number of people coming with)

3: It's in to-do list after registration will be ok, and work (i'm thinking about it, in different ways...)

4: In to-do list

5: Don't have currently to see about this options, as i have first to make all work. But i will see when time to, for integrated or be compatible with CB or Jcomments, maybe... That will depends on what happen with Joomla 3.0 dev

Thanks for your patience, and hope you will enjoy using iCagenda, when with more features open and stabilized ! :)

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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
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