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[ROADMAP] Unregister button

  • mvleerdam
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il y a 10 ans 3 mois - il y a 10 ans 3 mois #8073 par mvleerdam
[ROADMAP] Unregister button a été créé par mvleerdam

A couple of months ago i contact you guys to ask if there is a possibility to create a unregister button after someone has registerd.

The answer that i get was that it is coming in a release in the near future.

Can you give me an update about that?

Thanks already
Dernière édition: il y a 10 ans 3 mois par Lyr!C. Raison: [ROADMAP]

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il y a 10 ans 3 mois #8117 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet Unregister button

Unfortunately, i can give you no date today.

I was away for 2 months this summer for an hospitalization, and today, i'm trying to be updated in the support, and to finish the 3.4.0 release (a beta2 and RC to come soon for pro users, and when ok, release as stable for all, with many new things in it!)

So, today, i won't give exact date, just a list of features to be addded, as after 2 months of reflexion, i realise that it's not always good to give a date, when things could move, and events could happen.

Best Regards,

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il y a 10 ans 1 mois #8425 par albs
Réponse de albs sur le sujet [ROADMAP] Unregister button
Hi Lyr!C,

Sorry to hear that you've been in hospital.

I just wanted to also say that a de-register function will be very useful! My sports club has training sessions and people can register and de-register very often, due to many reasons.

So I would appreciate very much the self de-register function to be made!

Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Lyr!C

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il y a 10 ans 1 mois #8458 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet [ROADMAP] Unregister button

I have added this development in the first 3 months of 2015 (with other improvement of the registration system ;-) )


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il y a 10 ans 3 semaines #8560 par Olli
Réponse de Olli sur le sujet [ROADMAP] Unregister button
Hello Lyr!C,

I can also use the Unregister button. I am glad to hear that you would like to add this feature. I wait for your results and looking forward to it. Thank you very mutch.

Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Lyr!C

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il y a 9 ans 8 mois #10003 par mvleerdam
Réponse de mvleerdam sur le sujet [ROADMAP] Unregister button
Hi Cyril,

Any updates about the unregister button?

I see thats in the roadmap but can you tell me when?


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il y a 9 ans 8 mois #10004 par albs
Réponse de albs sur le sujet [ROADMAP] Unregister button
Second last reply on this post should help answer your question:

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il y a 9 ans 8 mois #10005 par mvleerdam
Réponse de mvleerdam sur le sujet [ROADMAP] Unregister button
I understand that he doesn't give a deadline anymore but maybe he can give a prediction when it can be done.

I'm not a person who hangs someone on a deadline.

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il y a 9 ans 8 mois #10023 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet [ROADMAP] Unregister button

THis is right, i can't give a date for this particular option.

All i can say is that i'm working on many things and development concerning registrations, and from May to July, i may had many options and features! ;-)

So, many things in a near future for registration!


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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
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