iCagenda - English
Authentication required when customer is no joomla user
Authentication required when customer is no joomla user
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il y a 10 ans 2 mois #8211
par Muecke
I bought the iCagenda Version for 12 months and I am very happy about that component.
We just changed from joomla 1.5 to 2.5.27.
now we go live and we still have the problem that nobody can register for a event expect he is an joomla user.
where can i switch off the function that the customer must be a joomla user?
we do not use the user-managment in joomla.
thanks a lot.
best regards
ps.: in the moment we have the php-version 5.2.17 and when our shop will be in the newest version we will change to 5.4
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il y a 10 ans 2 mois #8231
par Lyr!C
How is set the option of access, in options tab of each event ? There is the option to set registration access.
And, is it possible to have an online link ?
Maybe it's due to php version, if option doesn't work. I should do a test...
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iCagenda - English
Authentication required when customer is no joomla user
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