iCagenda - English
Wrong date displayed in module list
Wrong date displayed in module list
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il y a 10 ans 1 mois #8495
par mandini76
I'm having an issue with the date in the module list of events - it's correct on the left, but it is one day off on the right. For example, the first two events are on Feb. 14, but on the right it shows "February 13"
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il y a 10 ans 4 semaines #8532
par Lyr!C
Could you open better a Pro Ticket for this request ? (faster, and advance support).
I will check the code, but are you using 3.3.8, or 3.4.0-rc (as some issue with timezone fixed, so what is your timezone ?)
Waiting for your pro ticket support!
Best Regards,
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iCagenda - English
Wrong date displayed in module list
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