iCagenda - English
[VIEWED] iCagenda Pro event list module not displaying all dates
[VIEWED] iCagenda Pro event list module not displaying all dates
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il y a 10 ans 1 mois - il y a 10 ans 4 semaines #8517
par hullaballoo
Have purchased pro version but don't have it attached to my login details so couldn't do a pro ticket...so asking question here.
have installed iCagenda Pro and have created an event list module - I have created an event which occurs on several dates - have added these dates as single dates - it is showing these dates correctly in the menu link to a event list but it is only showing the first event in the module event list - see attachments - I have got both set to show all dates...
Dernière édition: il y a 10 ans 4 semaines par Lyr!C. Raison: [VIEWED]
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il y a 10 ans 4 semaines #8533
par Lyr!C
This is because there's today no option to display all dates in module iC Event List, as it is in the list of events menu type.
But this is in the roadmap, and i've already started this development.
About your pro access, could you contact me at info(at)joomlic.com with the email you have used during your Share-it order ?
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iCagenda - English
[VIEWED] iCagenda Pro event list module not displaying all dates
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