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Few development ideas

  • trucchipro
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il y a 10 ans 23 heures - il y a 10 ans 23 heures #8799 par trucchipro
Few development ideas a été créé par trucchipro
B) :P :silly: :blink: :kiss: :woohoo: :whistle:

At first, i would like to thank the developers for doing such a good job on a much needed component for Joomla.

One of the things I noticed was that if i have multiple events occuring on a same day the calendar only shows the color code of the first event's category. So by looking at the calendar, there's no way to tell straight away that there is actually more than one event on that specific day. It would be nice to have at least an option to show all the color codes on the calendar. Or have I missed some settings where this can be turned on?

Also, how about adding the opportunity to add, remove and update events from the front-end. Similarly as you can write articles from the front-end. Would be nice to have this option for the users who updates the content of the pages to also have option to edit and add events without having to log in to the administration (back-end) panel.

Sorry if someone have already suggested these, but with a quick search on the forums I couldn't find posts related to these topics.

Keep up the good work!
Dernière édition: il y a 10 ans 23 heures par trucchipro.

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il y a 9 ans 11 mois #8822 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet Few development ideas

At first, i would like to thank the developers for doing such a good job on a much needed component for Joomla.

Thank you! :cheer:

It would be nice to have at least an option to show all the color codes on the calendar

If you have 20 categories with 20 different colors, it would be impossible to display the colors properly ;-)

But, if you have multiple events the same day, you have a little "+" icon at the top-right of the day. If not, you have maybe a css conflict. So, if not this icon, could you attached an online link where i can check the code?

Also, how about adding the opportunity to add, remove and update events from the front-end. Similarly as you can write articles from the front-end. Would be nice to have this option for the users who updates the content of the pages to also have option to edit and add events without having to log in to the administration (back-end) panel.

Such functionnalities are in the roadmap. No date is planned for the development, so can't give you a deadline today.


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  • trucchipro
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il y a 9 ans 11 mois #8866 par trucchipro
Réponse de trucchipro sur le sujet Few development ideas
Thank you for your comment. I would be appreciated!

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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
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