iCagenda - English
Strange behavior of 404 page
Strange behavior of 404 page
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il y a 9 ans 9 mois #9888
par sigalx
Recently I had bought and installed iCagenda Pro component (v. 3.5.3) on my site. It prints list of coming events on the main page. While setup was in progress I had discovered following problem: request of any non-existent URL caused printing of some event instead of 404 page. It can be event in the past or in the future as well. For now there is just one event on production site but on testing schema it reproduced some past events. Sometimes redirecting to the component/users page happens. If set any another page as main (not iCagenda), problem will not be reproduced. How can I solve that?
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il y a 9 ans 9 mois #9894
par Lyr!C
I'm not sure to have all understood....
And if your issue is related to the fact iCagenda is in home page or not...
But as you have a pro version, could you use Pro Ticket for an advance support here :
pro.joomlic.com/en/support/individual-issues (a private ticket with details of your issue, and a admin access, so that i can check the problem).
Best Regards,
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iCagenda - English
Strange behavior of 404 page
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