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"No tickets left for this date" after cancel. Bug?

  • tfmvdbroek
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il y a 9 ans 8 mois #10054 par tfmvdbroek
Whenever somebody clicks on the register button, of a single date event, and decides to cancel the registration, the register button changes to "No tickets left for this date".
If you logout and then check the event, it is again possible to register.

Seems a bug?

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  • Lyr!C
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il y a 9 ans 8 mois #10071 par Lyr!C

Yes you're right, it's an issue in session. (so after user session out, it's ok for this user. Other users won't have this issue).

I will see to clean the data in session after cancel click.

Thank you for this feedback and bug report! Always useful! ;-)


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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
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