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il y a 9 ans 4 mois - il y a 9 ans 4 mois #10922 par Coupes
Social media icons a été créé par Coupes
Can someone let me know why there are no social media icons showing when activated on the back-end to display on the front-end please?.

All I get is blank squares as seen above.

Anyone got any ideas?
Dernière édition: il y a 9 ans 4 mois par Coupes.

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  • Lyr!C
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il y a 9 ans 3 mois #11053 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet Social media icons

Sorry, didn't see your post before, as you opened it in the wrong category forum...

So, there's i think a css conflict with another extension (template ?) declaring css style for Addthis icons.

Maybe you already have a AddThis system in this other extenion or site template ? (in this case, maybe better to use only one).
Do you have an online link ?

Best Regards,

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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
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