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Is disable date possible?

  • LisaLee
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il y a 9 ans 1 mois #11466 par LisaLee
Is disable date possible? a été créé par LisaLee

When I first installed iCagenda it was with the intention of listing events with specific dates, however my client has now decided that they wish to create a list of their favourite rides, some of which don't have specific dates. Is there anyway to make the date function not required? I do plan to purchase the pro version.

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  • Lyr!C
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il y a 9 ans 1 mois #11487 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet Is disable date possible?

In fact, iCagenda listing is based on dates... so a date is needed.
But, with a custom theme pack, it could be possible to not display any dates in events list.
The only issue is that to order event, without editing core files, it could be possible only by using a date, which could be hidden in the theme pack.

I have plans for the future, to able some extra-possibilities, but to early to speak about, as so much other things to do before (in short, it could be the possibility to have an option to set an event as featured (display at top of the list) with possibility to have no date set... but as said, no real idea of it, and of a possible development...)

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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
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