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[SOLVED] Calender module: menu link problem

  • twister
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il y a 9 ans 3 mois - il y a 9 ans 2 mois #11475 par twister
[SOLVED] Calender module: menu link problem a été créé par twister
Dear iCagenda developers

This weekend I moved to version iCagenda_3.5.12 to fix the problem that events in the month of December are not visible in the calender module.
After installing this version I could add December events but all my previous events are not visible anymore in the calender and I got to message "9 event(s) can not be shown because no menu link allows the display".

Also the new events in December disapear as soon as the date has passed. Also the disapearing events are now added to the message.
E.g. " 10 event(s) can not be shown because no menu link allows the display"
Today I did the same test with version 3.5.13 but with the same result.

I saw that a similar item was reported some time back. I could not see if it was resolved.
Maybe I did something wrong in the installation of the new iCagenda version. Do you have any suggestion?

Regards, Rob
Dernière édition: il y a 9 ans 2 mois par Lyr!C. Raison: [SOLVED]

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il y a 9 ans 2 mois #11490 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet Calender module: menu link problem

The reason is that i have improved the "auto" option of the "Link to menu item" setting.
Now, this option (it was a bug before!) is checking if at least one menu item allows to display event.
So, in your case, if no menu item is set to allow to display past events, the past events won't be displayed in the module calendar.

Why it's working like this ?
-> To have logical SEO urls! (for example, if you have only one menu named "Upcoming Events" to display only future events, it would be strange to have url like this :

There are many way to adjust it as you want :
- set the "Link to menu item" to a selected menu item (not an issue is alias of the menu is common, for example "")
- create a special menu item to display the past events (which one could be visible, or in a hidden menu, this one just need to exists, and be published)
- create a hidden menu item with no menu filters (to display all events, from all categories, all languages all access..)

Hope this helps to understand why this option "auto" was improved (before was only filtering category, language and access, but was missing the fact of past, upcoming... event)

Best Regards,

Note: for 3.6.0 currently in dev, the new structure will allow an extra auto option, which will auto generate a link no using menu item, if this one doesn't exist. (as joomla articles does today). But it will be always better for good urls and seo (mainly when using SEF urls) to set yourself the menu with the name you want ;-)

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il y a 9 ans 2 mois #11500 par twister
Réponse de twister sur le sujet Calender module: menu link problem
Thanks Cyril, it works! :-)
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Lyr!C

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il y a 9 ans 2 mois #11518 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet Calender module: menu link problem
You're welcome! ;-)

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
We recommend every user to keep iCagenda updated.
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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
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