iCagenda - English
Problem with icagendar shown items
Problem with icagendar shown items
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il y a 9 ans 3 jours #11626
par marco88456
my name is marco
I build a testsite
My Problem is:
I click on the Button "Termine" and not all my dates are shown in the middle frame
The dates (red and green) are shown, but the dates orange and blue are not shown (26.05.2016, 16.07.2016, 11.11.2016, 12.11.2016)
sorry for my very bad english
regards marco
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il y a 8 ans 11 mois #11639
par Lyr!C
Hello Marco,
Could you check if "ALL" or "none" categories are selected in the "Filter by Category" Option ?
If you have only "red" and "green" categories selected, it is normal that you don't see them.
If this option is empty, all categories will be displayed by default (as no filter set).
And if with this option empty, you don't see all events, check the menu options to the list of events
Hope this helps ?
Best Regards,
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iCagenda - English
Problem with icagendar shown items
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