iCagenda - English
how Change template for NEW MENU (sidebar)
how Change template for NEW MENU (sidebar)
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il y a 12 ans 1 mois #1651
par javier@ahora94.com
i have create in main menu a events item as a Icagenda - list of events
when i display in the web, the page list of all events is transparent as the template...
so this is ok..
after that i create a module with new menu to put in the page of events as you have in your website, with all events, upcoming events, past events items..
when i put this new menu.. and i click in all three items, the background of the page is white instead transparent..
How can i change this page only..
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il y a 12 ans 1 mois #1654
par javier@ahora94.com
i dont understand... your answer...
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il y a 12 ans 1 mois #1657
par Lyr!C
The messages before were spam.
For your answer, can you give me a link, or add a small screen shot of your problem ?
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iCagenda - English
how Change template for NEW MENU (sidebar)
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