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[Outdated site template] Front-end creating event is bugged
[Outdated site template] Front-end creating event is bugged
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il y a 8 ans 8 mois - il y a 8 ans 8 mois #12281
par Vitesse
On my website
www.viprix.net, trying to a create an event in the front-end is impossible due to a bug that doesn't let the user set a date for the event. There's just a field that says 0000-00-00 00:00:00, but there's no way to change it. It can't be manually changed, and there's button to select a date from a calendar.
Dernière édition: il y a 8 ans 8 mois par Lyr!C.
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il y a 8 ans 8 mois #12291
par Lyr!C
Hello here,
We have seen it in Pro ticket support, but unfortunately, the issue is your site template using "very" old mootools scripts, and using only Mooltools library.
This one is conflicting directly with Joomla core jQuery library, for many reason:
- outdated scripts code (for example, accordion.js is 8 years old....)
- loading jQuery before Mootools (mootools library should be loaded before jQuery, or you may have conflict issue of scripts.
I've tried to find a fix for your site template, but with no success.
So, it is now to ask the site template developer to update its template, and make it Joomla 3 compatible (compatible does not mean that a template could be install, but that it's working using Joomla Standards, and not returning error scripts when jQuery script is loaded).
For reminder to all: Mootools is deprecated in Joomla 3
Do you have contacted this template support as i suggested in the Pro ticket ? (as i've demonstrated you, all J3 extensions using jQuery will have problem with this site template).
Best Regards,
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il y a 8 ans 8 mois - il y a 8 ans 8 mois #12347
par Vitesse
Hi, sorry for the late reply, the last couple of weeks I have been very busy.
The fact that the accordion isn't working isn't a massive issue to me; I simply decided to un-accordion all these modules as they shouldn't take up too much space. However, the event creation bug can be annoying for in the future, so i'll forward this reply to the developer.
Dernière édition: il y a 8 ans 8 mois par Vitesse.
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il y a 8 ans 8 mois #12355
par Lyr!C
Vitesse écrit: Hi, sorry for the late reply, the last couple of weeks I have been very busy.
The fact that the accordion isn't working isn't a massive issue to me; I simply decided to un-accordion all these modules as they shouldn't take up too much space. However, the event creation bug can be annoying for in the future, so i'll forward this reply to the developer.
Yes good to ask the developer of this site template to do the job to update this template to the Joomla 3 standards
Hope he will resolve those issues soon!
Best Regards,
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iCagenda - English
[Outdated site template] Front-end creating event is bugged
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