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[Not iCagenda related] Adding Events Adds an Article on My System

  • irk007
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il y a 8 ans 8 mois - il y a 8 ans 8 mois #12350 par irk007
When I add an event in iCagenda, it erroneously adds an article without any real content.

Regardless, I don't want iCagenda adding an article item, as it populates my content with erroneous entries.

How can I stop it from doing that so that I don't have to delete the false articles every time?
Dernière édition: il y a 8 ans 8 mois par Lyr!C.

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il y a 8 ans 8 mois #12356 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet Adding Events Adds an Article on My System

iCagenda never add an article when you add an event !!! :huh:

If you have this behavior, this is NOT processed by iCagenda, but by a third party extension (plugin) you have installed, which is overriding iCagenda behavior (and maybe other extensions...).


If you check iCagenda code, you will found nothing link to the content database table. TO search which extension that does such automatic addition of articles, and you don't know which one, check code for an not related Joomla extension, which has something like this "__content" (2 underscores with content means SQL request to com_content (articles))

Hope this helps ?


Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
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