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List featured Events by Title only without repeats [Need urgent help!]

  • dgoh
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il y a 8 ans 7 mois #12489 par dgoh
Hi all,

In my website, I have a menu item called [What's New] and another one called [Past Events]. For the [What's New], I would like to display a list of featured events that are so called "new" events but list them by Titles only instead of by upcoming event dates. It is after clicking on the Title that user will be able to see All dates of the featured event. I've tried modifying the default_events.php code to remove the Date box so that only the title and description are displayed in the events list but because some of the featured events have multiple single dates, these events are repeated in the display list.

For the [Past Events], it will remain the same as usual. i.e. Display a list of past events by Dates.

I need to implement this feature urgently by next week and appreciate anyone could suggest something to help. Thanks! :-)

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  • Lyr!C
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il y a 8 ans 7 mois #12495 par Lyr!C

For the upcoming list of events, you can (in menu item options) disable "display all dates" to display only one time each event (the next date will be used).

But unfortunately, no solution today to order by title, as all the list is created after the SQL database query, which is ordering by dates. Not possible today to do it in another way, but i have some plans about more possibilities for 4.0.0 (may not be ready before end of year, maybe... 2017) with a full new system of dates.

Your request is a good idea (give new possibities) so i add it in my list of ideas for future developments.

Best Regards,

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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
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