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[SOLVED] GoogleMaps search for Address (no autocomplete)
[SOLVED] GoogleMaps search for Address (no autocomplete)
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il y a 8 ans 6 mois - il y a 8 ans 6 mois #12707
par jasimo
I am facing a problem regarding the GoogleMaps integration.
When I try to enter a new event and want to enter the Location on the GoogleMaps tab, nothing happen when I enter a address (tried several ones), in the past there was a autocomplete function. But this does not work anymore for me, means it doesn´t show addresses
I am using Joomla! 3.5.1 Stable and iCagenda™ 3.5.19 and the Google API Key is entered in the configuration.
Dernière édition: il y a 8 ans 6 mois par Lyr!C. Raison: [SOLVED]
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il y a 8 ans 6 mois #12713
par Lyr!C
Not related to Google API key changes, as you see the map.
But this could be due to a conflict with another plugin installed on your site.
Do you know/have checked with the console error of your browser ? (for example, on firefox, right click on the page, and click on "Inspect element". Then click on "Console", and refresh the page to see if script errors reported and see from which files/scripts)
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il y a 8 ans 6 mois - il y a 8 ans 6 mois #12714
par jasimo
Thansk for helping me.
In the console it stated:
"This API project is not authorized to use this API. Please ensure that this API is activated in the APIs Console: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/library?project=_ Please ensure this API is activated in the Google Developers Console: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/geocoding_backend?project=_ For more information on authentication and Google Maps Javascript API services please see: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key"
I found the problem because of your hint., the second Link in the error message brings me to the "Google Maps Geocoding API", there the API key was not activated, after activation everything is fine.
Dernière édition: il y a 8 ans 6 mois par jasimo.
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il y a 8 ans 6 mois #12718
par Lyr!C
Hello Jan,
Great i could help, and you found the reason!
And now, you know a useful tools that could help when issue on a page
Best Regards,
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iCagenda - English
[SOLVED] GoogleMaps search for Address (no autocomplete)
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