iCagenda - English
[IDEA] One event but in diffenrent locations and on different dates
[IDEA] One event but in diffenrent locations and on different dates
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il y a 8 ans 4 mois - il y a 8 ans 4 mois #12937
par SashPriv
Hello Support Team,
i´m wondering if it is possible to create one event and add different locations and different dates.
We are doing Workshops and Trainings. We have a lot of the same workshops in different locations at different dates. But the Workshop is the same. Now i have to create a single event for every workshop. This is very laborious. Especially when you have to change something in the description. Because then you have to change it for example in 15 events.
My question and my wish is: Is it possible to create a description for an event and then add different locations and dates (time). And all events will yet be displayed as separate events in List and Calendar View?
I´m looking forward for your help and will be thankful for a solution.
Best regards
Dernière édition: il y a 8 ans 4 mois par Lyr!C.
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il y a 8 ans 4 mois #12944
par Lyr!C
Hello Sash,
Unfortunately, not possible today.
I have plans for a full new dates manager system for version 4.0.0, with much more possibilities and flexibilities, and with a more friendly user approach, but this development may take 1 year to be full achieve... (i don't exaclty how long and hard will be the development, as only some parts of it are done, but not yet possible to be implemented).
So today, to prevent to lose time to set an event information again and again, just open one event for one date, and then use "Save as Copy" button to have a copy of the event, so that you will have to change only the date and location.
Best Regards,
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iCagenda - English
[IDEA] One event but in diffenrent locations and on different dates
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