iCagenda - English
Template vertex from shape_5 won't show calendar
Template vertex from shape_5 won't show calendar
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il y a 8 ans 2 mois #13535
par beckj
Hi support team,
I have recently started setting up a website with joomla and your iCagenda and I've already got some nice results. But when I tried to incorporte your calendar module, I just couldn't get it show up while using the vertex template. When I force the website to use one of the two templates that came with my joomla (protostar and beez3) the calendar shows up. I've tried to find out what causes this issue for quite a while now and I'm out of ideas. I hope you can help me.
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il y a 8 ans 2 mois #13537
par Lyr!C
If issue only with vertex template, and not with other templates, seems to be a Vertex issue
Do you have contacted them ?
Note: with an online link to your website, i could check this (with vertex + module published) but the best is to contact the template provider.
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il y a 8 ans 2 mois #13539
par beckj
The website is currently only available in our local environment, so I can't give you a link
But I'll contact the Vertex guys, maybe they can help me.Thanks for your quick response!
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il y a 8 ans 2 mois #13560
par Lyr!C
You're welcome!
Best Regards,
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iCagenda - English
Template vertex from shape_5 won't show calendar
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