iCagenda - English
[SOLVED] Icons missing when adding or editing an event or category
[SOLVED] Icons missing when adding or editing an event or category
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il y a 7 ans 10 mois - il y a 7 ans 10 mois #14093
par tonnyb
When I want to add ore edit an event or category all icons are missing.
Also when selecting the optionssetting in !Cagenda all icons are missing
I already cleared the cache on the site and in the various browsers.
Version Joomla is 3.6.5
Version !Cagenda is 3.6.6
PHP version 7.0.7
A screenshot added as attachment.
Any idea what can be the cause??
Dernière édition: il y a 7 ans 10 mois par Lyr!C. Raison: [SOLVED]
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il y a 7 ans 10 mois #14105
par Lyr!C
It seems just that css files are not loaded...
Is it possible to have an online link to be able to check the page, and its source code generated, as it could be due to an error in a third party extension.
Best regards,
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il y a 7 ans 10 mois #14142
par tonnyb
Problem solved. It was the PHP version. My hoster didn't allow me to use version 7.07.
Changed it to version 5.6 and all was ok.
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il y a 7 ans 10 mois #14156
par Lyr!C
Thank you for your feedback information (even if the reason is strange...)
Who is your hoster ? (it could help as info if another user has the same issue
Best regards,
Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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iCagenda - English
[SOLVED] Icons missing when adding or editing an event or category
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