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Title of categories not shown when no upcoming events

  • Harrywa
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il y a 7 ans 9 mois #14221 par Harrywa
Hi again,
another question:

I have three menu-entries, which lists all events of one or more categories. This works in general, but with two little drawbacks:

-) I'd like to have some kind of heading with the title / description of the category of the events shown. But this only works, if there are upcoming events. If there are no upcoming events, it says "no events" but the title of the category is not shown.
-) And if I choose more than 1 categories (for example 2) to be displayed through the menu-item, then both categories titles are displayed next to another, and after that both headings, all events are displayed per descending date. See screenshot, this looks terrible :huh:

Do you have some tips or tricks for me? Thank you so much.
(If it would be a Joomla module, I've could pack it into an article and use "loadposition <icagenda-categorylist-1>" or similar and use my own headings...)

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  • Lyr!C
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il y a 7 ans 9 mois #14240 par Lyr!C

Some improvements are planned for the category/description display (currently, displayed only if one event at least in the category on the page).

But, is it possible to have an online link to your website list of events, as the display and design on your site is weird (not exactly what i've got...)



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  • Harrywa
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il y a 7 ans 9 mois #14247 par Harrywa
Haha, quite possible that I've mixed up something and it's all my fault.

Yes of course ->


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  • Lyr!C
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il y a 7 ans 9 mois #14252 par Lyr!C

In fact, no issue in display of category, as you display only category's description (i thought first it was category name...)

So, about this, it's ok!

But, in checking the source code generated, you have html tags issues on your site (right click, in Firefox for example, give 2 script tags to be in red (which means an issue in tags opened/closed before in page).

So, could be good to check this, as it coudl one day gives display trouble on page.
To find which extension is giving trouble :
- create a page (which could be private)
- check if the same : <script> tags in red just before the content to be displayed. (note: the script are outside the head so it could be a reason...)
- Test first by using Protostar template
- If still script in red, so disable one by one each not-core plugin, and check after each disabling, if still the issue

This could help to see where the code issue is, and why the HTML structure is partially "broken" (this is not always visible when this happens, but one day, it could give trouble!)

Best regards,

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
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