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Simple question: Can ICagenda publish its events as ICS/iCalendar ?

  • LarsIN
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il y a 7 ans 6 mois #14670 par LarsIN

I'm new to ICagenda and the forum, but I've scanned all of the admin interface without finding any clues to any ICS/iCalendar export.

If it's present as standard, what would the URL to the ICS document be ?

If not present, is there any way to accomplish this ?

Lars I

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  • Lyr!C
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il y a 7 ans 6 mois #14690 par Lyr!C
Hello Lars,

For now, only possible one by one event, in frontend, by enabling option "Add to calendar" (multiple options for this in Global Options of component, in General Settings tab).

You can see it in action here :
(icone calendar at the top-right)

Later, it's planned to add this feature in main list too, which one will allow for ics file, to export multiple events in one click, of the list of events displayed (filtered or not using the frontend search filters).

Hope this helps ?

Best regards,

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