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unknown column slug

  • dangkhoa
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il y a 7 ans 3 mois #14955 par dangkhoa
unknown column slug a été créé par dangkhoa
Unknown column 'slug' in 'oua_icagenda_customfields' SQL=ALTER TABLE `oua_icagenda_customfields` ADD `description` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL AFTER `slug`;

I got the above error after installing the latest version. Please send me an sql query to insert slug column.

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  • Lyr!C
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il y a 7 ans 3 mois #14958 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet unknown column slug

First, that means that something went wrong at one moment :
- previous update (Joomla sql updater failled at this moment)
- Multiple install/uninstall of different versions, and with manifest iCagenda version refreshed by error (cache reset).

So, the first thing to do is to check if not any other columns is wrong (missing, or not with correct type).

Go to your PhpAdmin board, and compare iCagenda tables with the fresh install sql request of the latest iCagenda version( you will find this file here : /admin/sql/install/mysql/icagenda.install.sql

Then, tell me if any columns missing (else than the 'slug').
And check for all tables of course! (in case one table was missing).

Waiting for your control feedback ;-)

Note: do you remind from which older version you have updated ?
Note2: no need of a sql request, you can add the columns in place directly using PhpAdmin

Best regards,

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
We recommend every user to keep iCagenda updated.
Don't forget to have your Joomla!™ up-to-date!

Do you like iCagenda?
I would appreciate if you could take 5 minutes to post a review on JED (Joomla Extensions Directory) .

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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
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