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Event Publishing Start and Finish date choices

  • tapiochre
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il y a 7 ans 3 mois #15039 par tapiochre
Event Publishing Start and Finish date choices a été créé par tapiochre
I want to create a number of special 'time sensitive' events.

These are events that take place lets say at Christmas but I only want the event to show in the website for 14days during November to give a window to a special offer. After that, the event will be shown but it will not be the same detail - i.e. the special offer will be removed after the 14 day period.

Currently I have to unpublish/publish these manually so wonder if there is a way to configure an event to start publishing on a set date and then unpublish on a different date.

Any advice?


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  • Lyr!C
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il y a 7 ans 3 mois #15041 par Lyr!C
Réponse de Lyr!C sur le sujet Event Publishing Start and Finish date choices

Well, no such feature for such a part of the event, but if i have well understood, it is some information you add only in the event description ?

If yes, why not using a custom module (joomla module with editor), and then to load this module in a "fack" position (one you will create just for this, but that does not exist in your site template).
This way, you can set the start and end date of publishing for the module with your special offer inside.

And to display it in the event description, just use the joomla feature {loadposition custompositionname}

Is it maybe one solution for you ?

Best regards,

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Modérateurs: Lyr!C
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