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iCagenda and RSS how to show time in RSS feed
iCagenda and RSS how to show time in RSS feed
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il y a 7 ans 2 mois #15077
par PaulHvB
I'm using Joomla 3.8.1 and iCagenda PRO v 3.5.5
I created and RSS feed on my calender page, see link
that is working fine and that will feed is used to feed an App where you can see the calender.
But the time is not pushed as separate field in the output of the RSS feed, is that something i can fix with iCagenda ?
Best regards
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il y a 7 ans 2 mois #15082
par Lyr!C
Currently, the RSS system is using Joomla core feeds library.
And the date is declared as a one single field datetime.
So, you have to get the full datetime and then where you import in other app, if possible, to get the date and time from the full datetime (what could help then for such task, would be to set the date format as a iso format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM)
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iCagenda - English
iCagenda and RSS how to show time in RSS feed
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